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We are available on the web with our website, where we gather information and useful tips to meet your production needs, updates, news, promotions, events and especially the products, which we select every day for you. In our web shop, you can also visit our stores with products from all branches.
A.I., Internet of Things, 4.0 Industry… aren’t concepts anymore, now realities
.. UM TOOLS want to participate actively. We chose, in fact, to collaborate with companies like us that invest in new technologies to propose increasingly effective solutions. The goal is to perfect the work of the customers: optimize time and resources, increase the efficiency of the machines and improve the quality of production. Like the rest of Europe, we too have taken the road that leads us to look beyond, at the cutting edge of technology (the intelligent machine), through research and excellent partnerships. We look to the future, want to join us?

Holonix is a “Politecnico di Milano” spin-off, founded in 2010 at the Department of Management Engineering after years of international research conducted by its founders with the aim of supporting companies in innovating their products, processes and services.
Holonix proposes itself to the market as the technological partner that follow companies in the challenging and indispensable path of Industry 4.0, where the interconnection between physical assets and data free value for the enterprise.
This activity can only be carried out through a consultation of Holonix that has also conceived, designed and developed numerous solutions able to optimize and streamline any production process, implementing i-LiKe Platform with all the related modules dedicated to each phase of the production process (from assembly to logistics, from maintenance to quality).
For the industrial machinery sector, i-LiKe Machines is the innovative solution that allows to equip the machines (ex: chip removal machines) with intelligence and to make them communicating, allowing a connection between the manufacturer and the user, to guarantee remote management and predictive diagnostics for maintenance purposes; i-LiKe Machines, like all other Holonix solutions, falls within the standards required by the National Industry 4.0 Plan, in order to benefit from the tax incentives provided by the Stability Law.